About Jessie Turnbull

My name is Jessie, and I’m the founder of Burning Bright MD. I am a pediatric intensivist, clinical ethicist, and life coach for women physicians.  Eight years after beginning my first faculty position, I found myself 80lbs overweight and exhausted.  I discovered life coaching and used the skills I learned to lose 60lbs, develop agency in my professional and personal relationships, and emerge from a period of insidious burnout that I thought was “just how I was supposed to feel” while working in medicine.

You can find me here on my webpage (BurningBrightMD.com), on Twitter (@BurningBrightMD), on Instagram (@BurningBrightMD), and on LinkedIn.

Do you feel something is missing from your professional life?  Have you ever thought, “I’ve worked so hard to get here.  Is this all there is?”  I would love to help!  To see if working together is right for you, schedule a free, one-time, 30-minute initial consultation here.